Yahou Brothers

Maxime & Remi Yahouedeou

Born and raised in France, of West African and Central Asian descent.

Immersed in various cultures while living in Japan, Canada, China, Netherlands, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and France.

Currently based in Tokyo, Japan.

We have spent most of our life swinging between two states: pain and its opposite.

The sickle cell, our genetic blood disease, has made us experience these two states in the most extreme ways: suffering from physical pain, and then finding detachment from our body and mind with intense painkillers.

Our experience is the experience of all humans. All humans go through these states at every stage of life, and with different levels of intensity.

Our latest artworks are inspired by our subconscious and what we lived during those experiences. Expressing the duality and dialogue between pain and a state at its opposite, hard to define, but a state which we could call Joy or Pleasure.


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